+++ FROM: Inquisitor Astoraga Cespedes
+++ SUBJECT: Data entry for Grey Knight assistance
I have finished a squad of 5 GKs based on the first test guy I did. This squad is 2 halberds, 2 psycannons, 1 Knight of the Flame/Justicar with a D-Hammer. I really liked the red/white look and carried it through.
I changed the force weapons to blue with a lightning look, rather than going with the pink/purple. I also added battle damage to everyone as I feel it gives them a gritty mid-combat look. Once I base them and seal them I will try my 1st attempt with weathering powders to dirty up the legs.
These guys are all pretty much bog standard out of the box except the Knight/Justicar who has a fantasy head, and one of the pyscannon men with a space wolf head and a non-standard pose.
The Gang of 5:
The KoF/Justicar:
The Psycannon Boys:
The Halberd Boys: